

Sesebelisoa sa Cellulose Ether

Nako ea poso: May-08-2023


Cellulose ke polima ea tlhaho e entsoeng ka li-unit tsa β-glucose tse anhydrous, 'me e na le lihlopha tse tharo tsa hydroxyl lesale la motheo ka leng.Ka ho fetola selulose ka lik'hemik'hale, ho ka hlahisoa mefuta e fapaneng ea lintho tse tsoang ho cellulose, 'me e' ngoe ea tsona ke cellulose ether.Cellulose ether ke motsoako oa polymer o nang le sebopeho sa ether se nkiloeng ho selulose, ho kenyelletsa methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, le tse ling.Lihlahisoa tsena hangata li hlahisoa ka ho arabela selulose ea alkali ka monochloroalkane, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, kapa monochloroacetic acid.Sehlahisoa sa cellulose ether se na le ho qhibiliha ha metsi ka mokhoa o babatsehang, matla a ho tiea, le thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi, 'me e sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse kang tsa kaho, meriana, lijo le litlolo.Cellulose ether ke ntho e ka nchafatsoang, e ka bola, ebile e se chefo, e etsa hore e be mofuta o mong o tsebahalang ho feta oa lipolymer tsa maiketsetso.

Tshebetso le Likarolo

1. Likarolo tsa Ponahalo

Cellulose ether ke phofo e tšoeu, e sa nkhang hamonate, e nang le fibrous e monyang mongobo habonolo 'me e etsa colloid e tsitsitseng, e hlakileng, e bonaletsang ha e qhibiliha ka metsing.

2. Tlhahiso ea lifilimi le ho khomarela

Phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale ea selulose ho hlahisa cellulose ether e ama haholo thepa ea eona, ho kenyelletsa le ho qhibiliha ha eona, bokhoni ba ho etsa filimi, matla a tlamahano le ho hanyetsa letsoai.Litšobotsi tsena li etsa hore cellulose ether e be polymer e lakatsehang haholo e nang le matla a matla a mochini, ho tenyetseha, ho hanyetsa mocheso le ho hanyetsa serame.Ho feta moo, e bonts'a tšebelisano e ntle le li-resin tse fapaneng le li-plasticizers, e etsa hore e loketse ho sebelisoa ha ho etsoa lipolasetiki, lifilimi, li-varnish, likhomaretsi, latex le lisebelisoa tsa ho roala lithethefatsi.Ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e fapaneng, cellulose ether e fetohile ntho ea bohlokoa indastering ea tlhahiso, e fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botsitso le nako e telele ho lihlahisoa tse ngata.Ka lebaka leo, e na le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso mafapheng a fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa litlhare, liaparo, masela, kaho le indasteri ea lijo, har'a tse ling.

3. Sollubility

Ho qhibiliha ha cellulose ethers tse kang methylcellulose, methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, le sodium carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ho fapana ho itšetlehile ka mocheso le solvent e sebelisitsoeng.Methylcellulose le methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose li qhibiliha metsing a batang le lihlapolli tse ling tsa tlhaho empa li potlaka ha li futhumatsoa, ​​'me methylcellulose precipitating ka 45-60 ° C le etherified etherified methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ho 65-80 ° C.Leha ho le joalo, pula e ka qhibiliha hape ha mocheso o theoha.Ka lehlakoreng le leng, hydroxyethyl cellulose le sodium carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose li qhibiliha ka metsing mochesong ofe kapa ofe empa ha li qhibilihe ka har'a metsoako ea tlhaho.Li-ethers tsena tsa cellulose li na le lintho tse fapaneng tsa ho qhibiliha le lipula tse li etsang hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng liindastering tse joalo ka polasetiki, lifilimi, lirafshoa le likhomaretsi.

4. Ho teteana
Ha cellulose ether e qhibiliha ka metsing, e etsa tharollo ea colloidal eo viscosity ea eona e susumetsoang ke tekanyo ea polymerization ea cellulose ether.Tharollo e na le li-macromolecules tsa hydrated tse bonts'ang boitšoaro boo e seng ba Newtonian, ke hore, boitšoaro ba ho phalla bo fetoha ka matla a ho kuta.Ka lebaka la sebopeho sa macromolecular, viscosity ea tharollo e eketseha ka potlako ka mahloriso, empa e fokotseha ka potlako ka ho eketseha ha mocheso.The viscosity ea cellulose ether solutions e boetse e susumetsoa ke pH, matla a ionic, le boteng ba lik'hemik'hale tse ling.Lintho tsena tse ikhethang tsa cellulose ether li etsa hore e be molemo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tse kang likhomaretsi, litlolo, litlolo le lihlahisoa tsa lijo.


1. Indasteri ea Petroleum

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC) ke ether ea cellulose e nang le mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso ts'ebetsong ea ho ntša oli.Bokhabane ba eona bo eketsang viscosity le ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea mokelikeli bo etsa hore e be khetho e tsebahalang ho maro a ho cheka, maro a samente le maro a robehang.Haholo-holo, e bontšitse liphello tse tšepisang ho ntlafatsa ho hlaphoheloa ha oli.NaCMC e ka hanela tšilafalo e fapaneng ea letsoai le ho eketsa ho hlaphoheloa ha oli ka ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea metsi, 'me ho hanyetsa letsoai le matla a ntseng a eketseha a viscosity ho etsa hore e be se loketseng ho lokisa maro a ho cheka bakeng sa metsi a hloekileng, metsi a leoatle le metsi a letsoai a tletseng letsoai.

Sodium carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl cellulose (NaCMHPC) le sodium carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (NaCMHEC) ke lintho tse peli tse nkiloeng tsa cellulose ether tse nang le sekhahla se phahameng sa slurrying, ts'ebetso e ntle ea anti-calcium, le bokhoni bo botle ba ho eketsa viscosity, e ba etsa liqeto tse ntle joalo ka lisebelisoa tsa ho cheka seretse le lisebelisoa. ho lokisetsa maro a ho qetela.Li bonts'a bokhoni bo phahameng ba ho eketsa viscosity le tahlehelo ea mokelikeli e fokotsang ha e bapisoa le hydroxyethyl cellulose, 'me bokhoni ba bona ba ho etsoa hore e be maro a ho cheka a mefuta e fapaneng ka tlas'a boima ba calcium chloride e etsa hore e be tlatsetso e fapaneng bakeng sa ho eketsa tlhahiso ea oli.

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ke ntho e 'ngoe e tsoang ho selulose e sebelisoang e le seretse se teteaneng le ho tsitsisa ts'ebetsong ea ho cheka, ho phethela le ho tiisa.Ha e bapisoa le sodium carboxymethyl cellulose le guar gum, HEC e na le ho emisoa ha lehlabathe le matla, matla a letsoai a phahameng, ho hanyetsa mocheso o motle, khanyetso e tlaase ea ho kopanya, tahlehelo e fokolang ea mokelikeli, le gel breaking block.HEC e 'nile ea sebelisoa haholo ka lebaka la phello e ntle ea ho teteana, masala a tlaase le thepa e' ngoe.Ka kakaretso, li-cellulose ethers tse kang NaCMC, NaCMHPC, NaCMHEC, le HEC li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ea ho ntša oli 'me li bontšitse bokhoni bo boholo ba ho ntlafatsa ho hlaphoheloa ha oli.

2. Indasteri ea Kaho le Pente

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ke tlatsetso ea thepa ea moaho e fapaneng e ka sebelisoang e le sethiba, se bolokang metsi, se teteaneng le se tlamang kaho ea masonry le seretse sa ho lipola.E ka boela ea sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa ho qhala, se bolokang metsi le se teteaneng bakeng sa samente, seretse le lisebelisoa tsa mobu.Motsoako o khethehileng oa masonry le seretse sa plaster o entsoeng ka carboxymethyl cellulose o ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho boloka metsi le ho hanyetsa mapheo, ho qoba ho phatloha le likheo leboteng la block.Ho phaella moo, methyl cellulose e ka sebelisoa ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa mokhabiso oa holim'a mohaho o nang le tikoloho bakeng sa marako a boemo bo phahameng le holim'a lithaele tsa majoe, hammoho le ho khabisa holim'a litšiea le liemahale.

3. Indasteri ea Lik'hemik'hale ea Letsatsi le Letsatsi

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ke viscosifier e feto-fetohang e tsitsitseng e ka sebelisoang lihlahisoa tse fapaneng.Ho lihlahisoa tsa peista tse nang le lisebelisoa tse tala tsa phofo, li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho phatlalatseng le ho tsitsisa ho emisa.Bakeng sa litlolo tsa mokelikeli kapa emulsion, e sebetsa e le ntho e teteaneng, e qhalakang le e etsang homogenizing.Sehlahisoa sena sa cellulose se ka sebetsa joalo ka emulsion stabilizer, mafura le shampoo thickener le stabilizer, sesepa sa meno adhesive stabilizer, le detergent thickener le anti-stain agent.Sodium carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl cellulose, mofuta oa cellulose ether, e sebelisoa haholo joalo ka setlolo sa menoana ea meno ka lebaka la thepa ea eona ea thixotropic, e thusang ho boloka sebopeho sa sesepa sa meno le ho tsitsisa.Sehlahisoa sena se boetse se hanana le letsoai le asiti, 'me se etsa hore e be motenya o atlehang oa li-detergents le li-anti-stain agents.Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose e atisa ho sebelisoa e le dispersant, thickener, le dispersant ha ho etsoa phofo ea ho hlatsoa le lisebelisoa tsa metsi.

4. Indasteri ea Meriana le Lijo

Indastering ea meriana, Yibang hydroxypropyl carboxymethylcellulose (HPMC) e sebelisoa haholo joalo ka mothusi oa lithethefatsi bakeng sa tokollo e laoloang ea litlhare tsa molomo le litokisetso tse tsitsitseng tsa tokollo.E sebetsa e le ntho e thibelang ho lokolloa ho laola ho lokolloa ha lithethefatsi, 'me e le thepa ea ho roala ho lieha ho lokolloa ha metsoako.Methyl carboxymethyl cellulose le ethyl carboxymethyl cellulose hangata li sebelisoa ho etsa matlapa le li-capsules, kapa ho tlotsa matlapa a tlotsitsoeng ka tsoekere.Indastering ea lijo, li-ethers tsa premium grade cellulose ke li-thickeners tse sebetsang hantle, li-stabilizers, li-excipients, li-ajenti tse bolokang metsi le li-foam tse entsoeng ka mochini lijong tse fapaneng.Methylcellulose le hydroxypropylmethylcellulose li nkuoa li se na metabolically inert mme li bolokehile hore li ka sebelisoa.High-purity carboxymethylcellulose e ka ekeletsoa lihlahisoa tsa lijo, ho kenyelletsa lebese le tranelate, li-condiments, jeme, jelly, lijo tse entsoeng ka makotikoting, sirapo ea tafole le lino tse tahang.Ho feta moo, carboxymethyl cellulose e ka sebelisoa ho tsamaisa le ho boloka litholoana tse ncha e le sekoaelo sa polasetiki, se fana ka phello e ntle ea ho boloka bocha, tšilafalo e fokolang, ha ho na tšenyo le tlhahiso e bonolo ea mochini.

5. Lisebelisoa tsa Optical le Motlakase tse sebetsang

The high-purity cellulose ether e nang le acid e ntle le ho hanyetsa letsoai e sebetsa e le electrolyte thickening stabilizer, e fana ka thepa e tsitsitseng ea colloidal bakeng sa libeteri tsa alkaline le zinki-manganese.Li-ether tse ling tsa cellulose li bonts'a kristale ea mokelikeli oa thermotropic, joalo ka hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate, e etsang likristale tsa mokelikeli oa cholesteric ka tlase ho 164°C.

Reference Main

● Dikishinari ea Lintho tsa Lik'hemik'hale.
● Litšobotsi, litokisetso le tšebeliso ea indasteri ea cellulose ether.
● Boemo ba Boemo le Mokhoa oa Ntšetso-pele oa 'Maraka oa Cellulose Ether.
