

  • HEMC LH 660M

    HEMC LH 660M

    EipponCell® HEMC LH660M hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ke motsoako o fapaneng o sebelisoang haholo ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse fapa-fapaneng, ho kenyeletsa lijo, meriana, tlhahiso ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea lik'hemik'hale, liphahlo, polymerization le kaho.Lisebelisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa ho emisoa ha ho hasana, ho tenya, emulsification, botsitso le mesebetsi ea sekhomaretsi. 

    Lilemong tsa morao tjena, ka lebaka la lekhalo le khethiloeng ka har'a 'maraka oa lehae, ho bile le keketseho e kholo ea likhoebo tse tsetelang mererong ea tlhahiso ea hydroxyethyl methylcellulose.Merero ena e oela tlas'a mokhahlelo oa likhoebo tsa lik'hemik'hale, tse khetholloang ka mekhoa e rarahaneng, tšebeliso e ngata ea metsi, lintlha tse ngata tse ka 'nang tsa e-ba teng tšilafalo, le ho hloka boiphihlelo bo felletseng mabapi le thibelo le taolo ea tšilafalo.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 660M

  • HEMC LH 640M

    HEMC LH 640M

    EipponCell® HEMC LH640M hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose e na le tšusumetso e itseng nakong ea ho beha seretse sa samente, se hlahlojoang ho sebelisoa meter e tsitsitseng.Ho kenyelletsoa ha hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ho lebisa liphetohong nakong ea ho beha seretse sa samente.Nako ea ho qala e khutsufatsoa ka metsotso e 30, ha nako ea ho qetela e eketsoa ka metsotso e 5.Sena se bontša hore selulose e thusa ho boloka metsi a ntlafetseng, esita le ka tekanyo e tlaase ea 0.5%, e susumetsa nako ea coagulation.Tšusumetso ena e lula e tsitsitse ho sa tsotellehe ho fapana ha motsoako oa cellulose ether.Ho kenyelletsoa ha hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ho na le phello e fokolang nakong ea ho beha seretse sa samente, ho bonts'a liphello tse fokolang bakeng sa likopo tse sebetsang tsa boenjiniere. 

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 640M

  • HEMC LH 620M

    HEMC LH 620M

    EipponCell® HEMC LH 620M hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ke tlatsetso e sebetsang bakeng sa ho etsa seretse, e fanang ka melemo e ikhethang ho ntlafatsa thepa ea eona.Ha e kenngoa ka har'a seretse, e lebisa ho thehoeng ha motsoako o nang le porous le pliable.

    Nakong ea tlhahlobo, ha thibelo ea tlhahlobo ea seretse e phuthoa, ho ba teng ha li-pores ho tlatsetsa ho fokotsa matla a flexural.Leha ho le joalo, ho kenyelletsoa ha polymer e feto-fetohang ka har'a motsoako ho hanyetsa phello ena ka ho eketsa matla a ho fetoha ha seretse.

    Ka lebaka leo, tšusumetso e kopantsoeng ea lintlha tsena e fella ka ho fokotseha ho fokolang ka kakaretso ho matla a flexural a seretse.

    Tlas'a khatello, matrix a kopantsoeng a fokotsehile ka lebaka la tšehetso e fokolang e fanoang ke li-pores le li-polymers tse feto-fetohang, e leng se lebisang ho fokotseha ha khanyetso ea khatello ea seretse.Sena se bonahala ka ho khetheha ha karolo e kholo ea metsi a sebele e bolokiloe ka har'a seretse, e leng se etsang hore matla a khatello a fokotsehe haholo ha a bapisoa le litekanyo tse tsoakiloeng qalong.

    Ho kenyelletsa HEMC ho etsoa ha seretse ho ntlafatsa haholo matla a ho boloka metsi a motsoako.Ntlafatso ena e netefatsa hore ha seretse se kopana le konkreite e kentsoeng moeeng, ho monya metsi ka konkreite e monyang haholo hoa fokotseha.Ka lebaka leo, samente e ka har'a seretse e ka fumana metsi a mangata haholoanyane.

    Ka nako e le 'ngoe, HEMC e kenella ka holim'a konkreite e kenngoeng ke moea, e etsa sebaka se secha sa ho kopanya se nang le matla a matla le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo.Sena se etsa hore ho be le matla a holimo a tlamahano le konkreite e kenngoeng ke moea, e leng ho matlafatsang ts'ebetso ea kakaretso ea sebopeho sa seretse sa konkreite.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 620M

  • HEMC LH 615M

    HEMC LH 615M

    EipponCell® HEMC LH 615M hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, joalo ka cellulose ether, e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho susumetsa ts'ebetso ea samente ea metsi le sebopeho sa microstructure seretseng sa samente.Ka botumo bo ntseng bo eketseha ba seretse sa samente se fetotsoeng ka polymer le tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea meaho e tšoarellang nako e telele, phello ea cellulose ether ho tšoarelleng ha seretse sa samente e se e le taba e khahlang haholo.Phello e le 'ngoe ea bohlokoa ea cellulose ether ke ho fokotseha ha metsi ka har'a seretse sa samente, e leng se lebisang ho fokotseng ho fokotseha le ho eketseha ha sekhahla sa katoloso libakeng tse mongobo.Sena se ntlafetseng sa ho hanyetsa mongobo se thusa ho matlafatsa ho tšoarella ha seretse sa samente ka kakaretso, ho etsa hore se tšoanelehe bakeng sa maemo a fapaneng a tikoloho.

    Ho feta moo, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose e na le phello e kholo ho hanyetsang carbonation ea seretse sa samente nakong ea mekhahlelo ea eona ea pele.Lintho tse phahameng tsa cellulose ether ka har'a motsoako li liehisa ts'ebetso ea carbonation, e leng se bakang ho fokotseha ha carbonation shrinkage le botebo.Phello ena e tlatsetsa botsitsong ba nako e telele le ho tiea ha seretse sa samente, haholo-holo lits'ebetsong moo ho senyeha ho bakoang ke carbonation ho ka amehang.

    Mocheso o folisang le litaba tsa cellulose ether le tsona li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho lekanyeng matla a tlamahaneng a seretse sa samente.Ho ba teng ha cellulose ether ho ka matlafatsa matla a ho tiea ha bonto, haholo kamora ho qeta nako ea ho qhibiliha.Ntlafatso ena e tiisa ho khomarela hantle le botsitso ba seretse, e leng ntho ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho mamella khatello ea tikoloho le ho atolosa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea mehaho e thehiloeng ho samente.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 615M

  • HEMC LH 6000

    HEMC LH 6000

    EipponCell® HEMC LH 6000 hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ke selulose e seng ionic e tsoakiloeng e entsoeng ka mokhoa oa lik'hemik'hale o kenyelletsang k'hothone, lehong la alkalized, ethylene oxide, le methyl chloride ether.Hona joale, ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea HEMC e ka aroloa ka mekhoa e 'meli e meholo: mokhoa oa mohato oa metsi le mokhoa oa khase.Mokhoa oa mokelikeli oa mokelikeli, thepa e sebelisoang e na le litlhoko tse fokolang tsa khatello ea ka hare, e leng ho etsang hore e se ke ea e-ba kotsi.Selulose e kolobisitsoe ka har'a lye, e lebisang ho ruruha ho feletseng le alkalization.Ho ruruha ha osmotic ea mokelikeli ho thusa selulose, ho fella ka lihlahisoa tsa HEMC tse nang le tekanyo e lekanang ea ho fetola le viscosity.Ho feta moo, mokhoa oa mokelikeli oa mokelikeli o lumella hore ho be bonolo ho fetola lihlahisoa tse fapa-fapaneng.Leha ho le joalo, matla a tlhahiso ea reactor a lekanyelitsoe (hangata ka tlase ho 15m3), ho etsa hore ho hlokahale ho eketsa palo ea li-reactors bakeng sa tlhahiso e phahameng.Ho feta moo, ts'ebetso ea karabelo e hloka chelete e ngata ea mokelikeli oa lintho tse phelang e le sesebelisoa, e lebisang linakong tse telele tsa karabelo (ka kakaretso li feta lihora tse 10), ho hlaphoheloa ha solvent distillation, le litšenyehelo tse phahameng tsa nako.Ka lehlakoreng le leng, mokhoa oa khase ea khase o kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tse kopanetsoeng 'me o fana ka lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa sehlopha se le seng.Karabelo e etsahala ka autoclave e otlolohileng, e nang le nako e khuts'oane ea karabelo (hangata lihora tse 5-8) ha e bapisoa le mokhoa oa mohato oa mokelikeli.Mokhoa ona ha o hloke mokhoa o rarahaneng oa ho hlaphoheloa ha solvent.Ka mor'a hore karabelo e phethoe, methyl chloride e feteletseng le "dimethyl ether" e feteletseng e sebelisoa hape 'me e sebelisoa hape ka ho arohana ka mokhoa oa ho hlaphoheloa.Mokhoa oa khase ea khase o ithorisa ka litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa basebetsi le ho fokotsa matla a mosebetsi, ho fella ka litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa tlhahiso ha li bapisoa le mokhoa oa mokelikeli.Leha ho le joalo, mokhoa oa khase ea khase o hloka matsete a bohlokoa ho lisebelisoa le taolo ea othomathike, e lebisang ho litaba tse phahameng tsa tekheniki le litšenyehelo tse amanang. Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 6000

  • HEMC LH 400

    HEMC LH 400

    Tšebeliso ea EipponCell® HEMC LH 400 hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose linthong tse thehiloeng ho samente le phello ea eona linthong tsa bona tsa 'mele le tsa mechine.Tlatsetso e tsejoa ka bokhoni ba eona ba ho laola thepa e fapaneng, joalo ka ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea seretse sa samente, ho boloka metsi, ts'ebetso ea bonding, nako ea ho beha le ho fetoha habonolo.Leha ho le joalo, e boetse e tla le khoebo, kaha e fokotsa haholo matla a hatellang a seretse sa samente.Phokotso ena ea matla e ka amahanngoa le sebopeho sa samente e le thepa ea samente, moo lintlha tse kang tekanyo ea metsi le mofuta le bongata ba lihlahisoa tsa hydration li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho khetholla ts'ebetso e akaretsang ea thepa e thehiloeng ho samente.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HEMC LH 400

  • HPMC K100

    HPMC K100

    Eipponcell®HPMC K 100 Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose hangata e sebelisoa e le dispersant ea mantlha ts'ebetsong ea tlhahiso ea polyvinyl chloride (PVC).Ha viscosity e ntse e eketseha le litaba tsa hydroxypropyl li fokotseha, bokhoni ba eona ba ho hasana boa fokola ha matla a ho boloka sekhomaretsi a ntse a matlafala.Ka lebaka leo, sena se fella ka keketseho ea boholo bo tloaelehileng ba likaroloana le boholo bo hlakileng ba resin ea PVC.Leha ho le joalo, ka ho fetola mahloriso a HPMC, bokhoni ba eona ba ho boloka sekhomaretsi bo ka ntlafatsoa, ​​​​ho lebisa ho fokotseheng ha boholo ba likaroloana tsa resin.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas HPMC K100

  • MHEC LH 6200MS

    MHEC LH 6200MS

    EipponCell® MHEC LH 6200MS methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ke motsoako oa polymer o thehiloeng ka selulose o khetholloang ke sebopeho sa ether.Ka har'a cellulose macromolecule, selikalikoe se seng le se seng sa glucosyl se na le lihlopha tse tharo tsa hydroxyl, e leng sehlopha sa mantlha sa hydroxyl ho athomo ea botšelela ea khabone le lihlopha tsa hydroxyl tsa bobeli ho liathomo tsa carbon tsa bobeli le tsa boraro.

    Ka ts'ebetso ea etherification, haedrojene e ka har'a lihlopha tsa hydroxyl e nkeloa sebaka ke lihlopha tsa hydrocarbon, e leng se hlahisang tlhahiso ea lintho tse tsoang ho cellulose ether.Cellulose ether ke motsoako oa polyhydroxy polymer o sa qhibiliheng kapa ho qhibiliha ka mokhoa oa eona oa tlhaho.Leha ho le joalo, ka mor'a ho etsoa etherification, selulose e qhibiliha ka metsing, e hlapolla metsoako ea alkali le metsoako ea tlhaho.

    Ho feta moo, e bonts'a thermoplasticity, e e lumellang hore e bōpehe le ho bōptjoa ha e pepesehetse mocheso.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas MHEC LH 6200MS

  • Tlhaloso: MHEC LH 6150MS

    Tlhaloso: MHEC LH 6150MS

    EipponCell® MHEC LH 6150M e tsoa ho k'hothone le patsi ka ho kena ts'ebetsong e kenyelletsang alkalization, ethylene oxide, le methyl chloride etherification.

    MHEC ke mofuta oa cellulose e seng ea ionic e tsoakiloeng ether, e khetholloang ke sebopeho sa molek'hule [C6H7O2(OH) 3-mn(OCH3)m(OCH2CHOHCH3)n]x.Likarolo tse fapaneng tsa lihlopha tsa methoxyl le hydroxyethyl ho MHEC li hlahisa li-viscosity tse fapaneng le maemo a ho lumellana ha lihlahisoa.Sena se lebisa ho thehoeng ha mefuta e fapaneng le limaraka tsa lihlahisoa tse nang le litšobotsi tse ikhethang tsa ts'ebetso.

    MHEC e bonts'a thepa e ntle joalo ka ho qhalakanya, emulsifying, thickening, bonding, ho boloka metsi, le ho boloka li-gel.E qhibiliha ka metsing 'me e ka boela ea qhibiliha ka har'a ethanol le acetone ka tlase ho 70%.Ho phaella moo, mohaho o ikhethang oa MHEC o lumella ho qhibiliha ka ho toba ho ethanol.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas MHEC LH 6150MS

  • MHEC LH 6100MS

    MHEC LH 6100MS

    MHEC LH 6100MS, e leng karolo ea sehlopha sa li-cellulose ethers le lihlahisoa tsa tsona tse se nang lihlopha tse arohaneng ka lihlopha tsa tsona tsa meralo.Ha ho bapisoa le lihlahisoa tsa ionic ether, li-ethers tsa nonionic cellulose li bonts'a katleho e phahameng ka ho teteaneng, emulsifying, ho etsa filimi, ho sebetsa e le li-colloids tse sireletsang, le ho boloka mongobo.Ba bonts'a ts'ebetso e phahameng mabapi le ho khomarela, thepa ea anti-allergy, 'me ba fumana ts'ebeliso e pharaletseng ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse fapa-fapaneng tse kang ho hlahloba masimo a oli, liaparo tsa latex, polymerization ea polymer, thepa ea mohaho, lik'hemik'hale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, lijo, meriana, ho etsa pampiri, khatiso ea masela le ho daea. .

    Moo u ka rekang Cas MHEC LH 6100 MS

  • MHEC LH 6200M

    MHEC LH 6200M

    KimaCell® MHEC MH200M ke motsoako oa bohlokoa oa selulose o tsejoang e le methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, e fumanang lisebelisoa tse ngata liindastering tse fapa-fapaneng tse kenyeletsang meriana, bohloeki, indasteri ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea lik'hemik'hale, ho etsa pampiri, lijo, meriana, kaho le thepa.Nts'etsopele le ts'ebeliso ea cellulose ether e bohlokoa haholo ts'ebelisong e nepahetseng ea lisebelisoa tsa biomass tse nchafalitsoeng le ho nts'etsapele nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa le mahlale a macha.

    Cellulose ether hangata e qhibiliha ka metsing, ho etsa tharollo ea colloidal moo viscosity ea eona e khethoang ke tekanyo ea polymerization ea cellulose ether.Tharollo ena e na le li-macromolecule tsa hydrated.Ka lebaka la ho ts'oaroa ha li-macromolecule tsena, mokhoa oa ho phalla oa litharollo tsa cellulose ether o fapane le oa metsi a Newtonian mme ho e-na le hoo o bontša boitšoaro bo itšetlehileng ka ho kuta.Viscosity ea tharollo e eketseha ka potlako ka khatello e ntseng e eketseha, ka lebaka la sebopeho sa macromolecular ea cellulose ether.Ka lehlakoreng le leng, e fokotseha ka potlako ka mocheso o ntseng o eketseha.

    Moo u ka rekang Cas MHEC LH 6200M

  • MHEC LH 6150M

    MHEC LH 6150M

    EipponCell® MHEC LH 6150M methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose e tsejoa ka bophara e le tlatsetso e ratoang bakeng sa putty ea kaho ea lebota ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea eona e ikhethang ea ho boloka metsi.Ka ho boloka mongobo ka katleho, motsoako ona o eketsa nako ea ho sebetsa, e leng se hlahisang ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng ea kaho le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mosebetsi.Phuputsong e hlophisitsoeng e entsoeng leboteng la ka hare la lerako la tšireletso ea tikoloho le nang le diatomite e le setsi sa mantlha se sebetsang, phello ea li-viscosity tse fapaneng tsa HPMC le palo ea putty likarolong tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso li ile tsa hlahlojoa ka hloko.Patlisiso e senotse hore matla a bond ea putty ea lebota qalong a eketseha ka litekanyetso tsa MHEC, empa ho feta ntlha e itseng, e qala ho fokotseha.Tlhahiso ena e totobatsa bohlokoa ba ho ntlafatsa litekanyetso tsa MHEC ho fihlela matla a batloang a bonto.